deeper sleep, lighter mood, controlled anxiety.

see how science can harness the elements to help you to rest better, feel brighter and function more effectively using the very latest technology

Therafloat offers effective and scientifically-proven treatments for your mental and physical health.

Each therapy session starts with a consultation to assess your needs, how your mind works, and to find out which treatment plan is best for you.

Overstimulation, poor nutrition, and frequent psychological stress are all examples of long-term harms caused by modern living contributing to poor sleep quality. We are able to treat this by combining floatation therapy with sound therapy to induce a meditative state conducive to deep brain rest. Using technology in this way allows us to deliver many of the benefits to your brain that experienced meditators enjoy in a safe, convenient, accessible and effective way.

In the same way that intermittent fasting improves physical health, true brain rest works like intermittent fasting for your mental health and, over time, improves the brain's ability to deal with emotional, cognitive, and memory issues.

In addition, we use a form of light therapy called photobiomodulation to improve your body’s cellular performance by stimulating each cell with very precise wavelengths of light, approximately one-hundredth the thickness of a piece of paper, in order to improve bloodflow, increase cell-to-cell contact and reduce inflammation. This has been shown to have numerous benefits in treating mood, anxiety and other mental health symptoms.

By combining treatments so that they are delivered together in the same session, a technique known as "biostacking", we are able to significantly reduce treatment costs and amplify and extend long-lasting benefits to you.

Our treatments are safe, appropriate for everyone, and compatible with existing medical treatments.

If you'd like to learn more about how our incredible therapies can help you, or someone you know, feel healthier, happier, more energised and at peace emotionally, please schedule an appointment by simply clicking the button below and begin your journey to wellness right away!

floatation therapy and sleep

Anette Kjellgren, Annika Norell-Clarke, Kristoffer Jonsson, Maria Tillfors,

Does flotation-rest (restricted environmental stimulation technique) have an effect on sleep?,

European Journal of Integrative Medicine, Volume 33, 2020, 101047, ISSN 1876-3820,

floatation therapy and mood disorders treatment

Feinstein JS, Khalsa SS, Yeh HW, Wohlrab C, Simmons WK, Stein MB, Paulus MP.

Examining the short-term anxiolytic and antidepressant effect of Floatation-REST.

PLoS One. 2018 Feb 2;13(2):e0190292. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0190292. PMID: 29394251; PMCID: PMC5796691.

floatation therapy and anxiety treatment

Feinstein JS, Khalsa SS, Yeh H, Al Zoubi O, Arevian AC, Wohlrab C, Pantino MK, Cartmell LJ, Simmons WK, Stein MB, Paulus MP.

The Elicitation of Relaxation and Interoceptive Awareness Using Floatation Therapy in Individuals With High Anxiety Sensitivity.

Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging. 2018 Jun;3(6):555-562. doi: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2018.02.005. Epub 2018 Mar 9. PMID: 29656950; PMCID: PMC6040829.

photobiomodulation and sleep

Moro C, Valverde A, Dole M, Hoh Kam J, Hamilton C, Liebert A, Bicknell B, Benabid AL, Magistretti P, Mitrofanis J.

The effect of photobiomodulation on the brain during wakefulness and sleep.

Front Neurosci. 2022 Jul 28;16:942536. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2022.942536. PMID: 35968381; PMCID: PMC9366035.

photobiomodulation and mood disorders

Montazeri K, Farhadi M, Fekrazad R, Chaibakhsh S, Mahmoudian S.

Photobiomodulation therapy in mood disorders: a systematic review.

Lasers Med Sci. 2022 Dec;37(9):3343-3351. doi: 10.1007/s10103-022-03641-w. Epub 2022 Nov 21. PMID: 36404359.

photobiomodulation and anxiety

Maiello M, Losiewicz OM, Bui E, Spera V, Hamblin MR, Marques L, Cassano P.

Transcranial Photobiomodulation with Near-Infrared Light for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Pilot Study.

Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg. 2019 Oct;37(10):644-650. doi: 10.1089/photob.2019.4677. PMID: 31647775; PMCID: PMC6818480.